Handcrafted Coastal Art- Carefully Chosen Beach House Decorations
You have spent hundreds of hours designing your coastal home/beach house exactly the way you want it. You chose the perfect coastal light fixtures, the crown molding, the siding, and the colors……lord help us the colors. Don’t go wasting all of that effort by placing boring generic, run of the mill wall art up on your beautiful walls.
The coastal decor/ wall art is the finishing touch to what may possibly be your masterpiece. Choose wisely. Make sure the colors work. Make sure the craftsmanship holds up to the story you will inevitably have to tell over and over. People are always intrigued by what art hangs on your wall so be ready to discuss it.
These handcrafted iron fish sculptures should absolutely be part of your master plan for that reason. These designs have been carefully mulled over by artist/coastal sculptor Chase Allen and you will certainly see this in their details.
Remember, your not just buying “beach house” decorations and art, you are buying a story. Also remember that your beach house decor can almost literally make or break your home. The wall art of your coastal home IS NOT where you want to cut corners.
This handcrafted large “Virginia” Iron Fish sculpture design costs only $225 but comes in 4 other sizes both smaller and larger. The larger ones make for AWESOME coastal night lights if you can back light them. Check out all of the coastal designs/handcrafted sculptures at www.ironfishart.com. Choose from mermaid art/sculptures, stingray art, crab art sculptures, lobster sculptures, and of course, fish art sculptures.
Chase Allen Designs–The Iron Fish Gallery–Handcrafted Coastal Decor at it’s Finest!!!